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"Mr. Theodore Constant, my teacher in Vienna, a great helper, supporter and advisor, saw in me that flame and passion, which I have for classical dance. I progressed the most with him, because from a technical point of view I was far behind everyone else."

"Thank you so much! It has been a pleasure meeting and working with you. I am forever grateful for the way you supported me over the years!" Darius G. (Joined the Vienna State Opera Ballet Company and is presently Soloist with La Scala Ballet in Milan, Italy).

"I really thank you for everything you have done for me; for the courage and power you always provided. You supported me a lot, and I really needed it! It has been really nice to work with you, and am looking forward to work again with you." 

- Vincenzo D.P.  (Joined The Royal Ballet, UK and is presently Soloist with Complexions Ballet in New York City).

Dear Mr. Constant, my daughter Julia is honored to receive your lovely scholarship. We have enjoyed looking at your website and learning more about your program. It looks like a unique and meaningful program. We would really love for her to be able to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. 

I would also like to thank you for your thoughtfulness with the ballet dancers at the World Ballet Competition. We really appreciated your comments during the judges' session on the final day. It was extremely thoughtful of you to stay later with the many students that were anxious to speak with you. I also thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to speak with you at the reception following the awards. I would be so happy for Julia to attend one of your programs in the future.

Thank you so very much again for offering Julia this lovely scholarship and your thoughtfulness with all of the dancers. 

Sincerely, Caroline

"...Really thank you very much for everything. Thanks for this amazing year and for all the wonderful things you have taught us. Thank you especially for always encouraging and motivating us in the difficult moments and especially, for having taught us a lot about the human soul. I am really excited about these two last months; they will be amazing!" - Federico B. (Joined the National Ballet, Hungary)

"Your dedication and passion to life inspires me every day. You played such a pivotal role in my childhood, and you have yet to stop inspiring me. Thank you for being you; kind, warm-hearted, passionate...the list goes on. I hope this year brings many blessings and opportunities to you and you continue to prosper. Love, Addison" - Addison P.

Hi Mr. C! I wanted to tell you that I went to Europe earlier this month to audition for companies, and I have been offered a contract with Netherlands Dance Theatre II. I'm very excited to start this new chapter in my life and I couldn't be happier. I just want to thank you for being a wonderful teacher, and I appreciate everything you taught me while I was your student." - Mandy M. (Joined The Netherlands Dance Theatre, Holland)

"Dear Mr. Constant, thank you, that you supported me. I just wanted to say thank you! You are my role model! With your ambition and calm, you made me strong for the next semester. I know that my English is bad, but I just wanted to say/write it. It's not for the mark. It's for you..." - Josef G. (Student at the Vienna State Opera Ballet Academy, Austria)

"It seems to me that Donovan's learning curve has accelerated lately. Thank you for all you have taught him about dance and about life.  You are a truly exceptional sensei.  We consider ourselves most fortunate to have benefited from our exposure to you. Warmest personal regards, Don and family" - Don J. (Received Scholarships to Berlin State Ballet School, Germany & Zurich Dance Academy, Switzerland / Bronze Medal at IBC Ballet Beyond Borders, MT)

"Hi Mr.C! I have learned so much from my training and the experience opportunity you gave me here at Festival Ballet Providence, I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me! I am very excited for what is ahead and to share my experiences when I come home for the summer! I am looking forward to coming home and taking your class! I will be seeing you soon! Thank you again."- Courtney H. (Joined Festival Ballet Providence, RI & State Street Ballet, Santa Barbara, CA)

"Hi mr C! I have been loving your classes and can't wait to continue taking them! I was wondering what I could do to start getting ready or working towards a professional ballet career! I have always wanted that, and with your training, my confidence has improved as well as my technique. This January I auditioned for Bolshoi to see if I could get in, and I was personally invited to join their New York summer intensive, so I know everything you have been doing for me is working! Thank you!" - Hannah G. 

Theodore, you've brought back sweet memories from my music mentors who have drilled such similar spiel time after time with compassion and a whip. We are all lucky to have you in this field to guide those ready to receive. Thank you again! - Lilly W. (Dancer joined The National Ballet of Canada)

"I know I seem to repeat thanking you, but thank you for everything! The help, the effort you put in to training me, and also the amazing opportunities you present to me. You are such a great teacher and influence to me, and I feel I have learned something more than only ballet with you. I am SO excited to be able to train with you everyday day multiple times, and really push my self to my limits, concentrating on every detail you give to me. I will definitely make this year count. Have a fantastic trip in Australia, and I cannot wait to get back to work when you get back from down under! Again Mr. C, thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart." - Nick T. (Scholarship to Berlin State Ballet School, Germany / presently Company Artist- State Street Ballet, CA)

"I have had the greatest experience at ABT this year, with so many opportunities. The teachers came to me after the performance to tell me that I have improved so much this year, and that I am a beautiful dancer who they would like to see next year. They also said that I am incredibly well trained, and that I must come from a good school. They said that I am inspirational. I just wanted to thank you for everything! All these complements came from your training and advice!" - Erin C.

Thank you Mr C for all you did for Joshua, Peter and Noelle. Your teaching really inspired Joshua to want a carrier in dance. Your time with Noelle has made her a much better dancer. Peter also has excelled in dance and is so thankful for the summer intensive you gave him. I want you to know I appreciate and value your friendship. I wish you all the best. Till we see each other again, your friend, Brendan" - Brendan D. 

"Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. As we take time today to reflect on all life has blessed us with and all we have to be thankful for, we count you among those blessings. We feel extremely blessed that Ainsley has you in her life and for your time together every week. She adores you and loves to learn from you. For that I am very thankful. Hope you had a relaxing week." - Rebecca. T.

"Dear Mr. C, it is hard to put down in words my gratitude towards you for being such an amazing teacher for the last three years of my life.  Every day there is something new and exciting, but at the same time repetition. A beautiful kind of repetition, of knowing that in each class we are safe from the world's stereotypes and judgment. And that at least somewhere in this ever changing world we can count on one thing to stay moderately the same. To help us not to forget who we are and  who we want to become. Each class was like a reminder that I'm not like the other girls at school, and that we as a group weren't going to keep living as just another normal person living the same empty lives as everyone else. Love is the closest thing humans have to magic, and every time I dance I find that feeling of magic like I can be something more special and cherished than the other kids in our society. You have brought the Trainees together as a family and I just wanted to make sure you know that we all love you and look up to you as a father. It's not the same without you at dance. There is an empty feeling in the halls. I know its only been a few days but I already miss the funny things you would say in class, and the sparkle in your eyes as we all laughed. It's funny in life how you don't realize how much you love someone until they are gone. I guess what I am trying to say is that you have made a huge impact on my life, and have inspired me to be better. I'm not always the best at remembering things, but I promise that I will always remember you. Love, Giselle" - Giselle K.

"You have been like a second father to me the last three years. I have more respect for you then almost anyone else. You are a man of integrity, who cares about others." - Joshua D. (Joined Eugene Ballet, OR)

Dear Mr.C, you have been such an inspiration to me in my life and I was so fortunate to have had you all these years. You have given me something that I will have with me always, and I want you to know that I love you and wish you the best. I hope that your students will bring you as much joy as you have brought me. I will keep the memories you have given me forever and will look back at them throughout the years. You were half of my childhood, and I could never thank you enough for all that you have done. I will miss your kind eyes and all of your analogies very much. Love, Lainey" - Laney T.

"Hi Mr. C! I wanted to let you know that I just found out that I was accepted into NYU (New York University) with a dance scholarship!! :) I am very excited! I was also accepted into SMU's (Southern Methodist University) dance program which is my other top option. I guess I will be traveling to Texas and New York for spring break to look into my great options. Thank you for all of your support and what you have taught me! I would be nowhere near where I am today without you." - Kelsey S.

Dear Mr. C, first of all, I would like to thank you for everything you have given me. Thank you for the past three years of training. Over these years I have progressed more than I could ever imagine. You have made me the dancer I am and the dancer I will be. Thank you for not only teaching me how to be a better dancer, but for making me a better person overall. You have taught me how to carry myself, to have artistry, to never give up, to have passion and dedication, and to put one hundred percent in everything I do in life. I want you to know that you have impacted my life immensely, and for that I will be eternally grateful. I will miss you immensely as my ballet teacher and as a second father to me. I will miss all your jokes in class, stories you would tell. trivia questions, words of wisdom, and most importantly the passion, dedication, energy, and love you put into dance. I love you and thank you Mr. C" - Sarah T.

"Yesterday, the students in my art class were learning about Germany. They had just begun to hear about the Berlin Wall when Mason hopped up, and asked if he could tell the "little ones" about something he knows on this subject. He began by telling them about his Ballet Master and what he taught him about the Ballet Company in Berlin. You make a very large impact on my son." - Carrie T. 

"You've been my ballet teacher since I was about 7 years old, and I have gained so much trust in you and I cannot imagine having a better teacher. You have inspired and motivated me so much throughout the past 7 years, and I would not be who I am today without your training and support. I am so incredibly grateful and appreciative of everything you've done for me, all the many, many ballet classes and rehearsals. I am also very grateful that you have taught and helped me with the Muse trio for Don Quixote. It has always been my dream to dance on pointe onstage, so thank you for helping me achieve one of my dreams. 

I would also like to thank you for being so supportive and welcoming after I came back from my ankle injury. I was very confused and scared at the time, and I'm very thankful that you are always here for me. I am so grateful that I will be attending your workshop later in the month, as I would hate to miss a chance to dance under your care. Thank you for making ballet amazing, always inspiring me, motivating me, pushing me to be my very best, and for opening my eyes and teaching me more than I could even tell you. I will always think of your corrections while I dance. Love, Julianna" - Julianna B. 

“In 2006, my daughter began training with Mr. C and has had the opportunity to dance in San Francisco, New York City, Germany and Austria. She focused her training in ballet, pointe, and contemporary and was hired into her first professional ballet company on the East Coast at the age of 17. Mr. C provides excellent training in a nurturing environment, and mentoring for his alumni.” - Amy H. (Courtney has danced with Festival Ballet Providence, RI, and is presently Company Artist with State Street Ballet, CA)

"I want to thank you for the amazing dance training you have given to Lainey and Luke. I will never forget when she was 8 years old, how it was her dream to have you for a teacher as a Trainee. It has been so rewarding to see Lainey's dream come true today dancing as a Trainee and training with her favorite dance teacher. This makes our move very tough, especially for Luke, who will also greatly miss you. We have already shed some tears over this life change. As it gets closer, there will be many more tears. Wish we could take you with us! We have enjoyed watching your beautiful choreography and dancers since 2008, and will greatly miss your work. Hoping this is just a temporary move so that Luke and Lainey can train with you again someday. Thank you for all you have done for Lainey and Luke, and the positive impact you have had on their lives. 

We are so grateful for everything." - Lori T.

“My daughter is a current student at TCDA and is enjoying her dance classes. I feel confident that she is receiving the best training in ballet, pointe, and contemporary and feel that Placer County is extremely fortunate to have Mr. C a part of our arts community. I admire his teaching philosophy and dedication to his students.” - Todd H.

We are very fortunate to have Mr. C as my daughter's teacher. When he use to be teaching at his old workplace, I would peak at the window and told myself that my daughter needs to have him as a teacher when she becomes older because Mr. C was only teaching older kids at that time... so when he opened his own school and I read he would teach kids my daughter's age, without hesitation we switched ballet schools and we have no regrets.” - Joyce A.

“Thank you Mr. Constant for your integrity and compassion. You not only bring out the best in our dancer's technique, style and grace, but also in their character. Good mentors are hard to find and our daughter has found a great one!” - Bethany L.

© Theodore Constant - Dance Academy / TCDA

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